GYMAX Girls Bike for Toddler & Kids Aged 6-9, 18 Inch Kids Bicycle w/Training Wheels, Basket, Bell & Kickstand, Kids Bike w/Dual Handbrake, Adjustable Handlebar & Saddle, 95% Pre-Assembled
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From the soccer field to the streets, this always-original sneaker maintains its legacy with premium materials and iconic 3-Stripes at the sides.
- Right Size for Your Kids This kids bike offers an adjustable handlebar(32-33) and saddle height (24-29), making it suitable for children aged 6-9 years old with a height of 43-55. Additionally, it boasts a strong weight capacity of 110 lbs.
- Designed for Learning Ideal for children who are just starting to ride, this kids bicycle comes with training wheels to provide added stability. Once they have gained confidence, the training wheels can be easily removed, allowing them to ride independently. The inclusion of a kickstand adds to its functionality.
- Safety First We prioritize safety above all else. For this reason, this kids bike is equipped with dual-hand brakes, both front and rear, to provide multiple protection. It also holds ASTM and CPSIA certifications, guaranteeing added security. The heavy-duty carbon steel construction provides enhanced stability.
- 95% Pre-assembled Differing from other bikes that require extensive assembly time, ours comes 95% pre-assembled, saving you valuable time and effort. Additionally, the bike includes a basket and a bell to meet your kids' needs while enhancing visibility for others.
- 18-Inch Wheels The wheels of this bike are designed with three layers for durability and versatility on different road surfaces. They feature an intensified tread, anti-puncture ply, and cords ply, making them non-slip and wear-resistant. Whether it' asphalt, flagstone, rubber, or other terrains, these wheels can handle it all.